Upload Documents

Please Upload required documents, make sure you submit in single file upto 1 MB of size, pdf or doc format files, please choose your options while you submit the documents, it will help us to get your job done faster.

    Shipment Details
    1. Documents for Customs Clearance of Air/LCL/FCL Shipment :

    2. Air Freight / LCL Freight / FCL Freight Booking :
    (Need Invoice, Packing List)

    3. Road Transportation(Job Order/Out of Charge/Gate Pass) :

    NOTE : Incase if this is your FIRST Consignment with us, then we need to have your KYC & Authority Letter

    Is it FIRST assignment to Gateway Freight :

    1. Authority Letter :

    2. KYC Documents :

    3. NOC from Previous CHA :

    4. NOC from Previous Transporter :
    (if Different from CHA)